Small Car Camp

Small Car Camp is an outdoors company focused on camping and other outdoor activities that are related to camping. Small Car Camp is best known for creating helpful resources that answer camping-related questions that people might have.
Our Story

Our Mission:
“We Provide Helpful Information On Camping And The Great Outdoors So That Anyone From Beginner To Expert Can Learn Something New”
Small Car Camp started as one man’s passion for camping, travel, and the great outdoors. Today it has become something so much bigger as the brand and the website creates content that helps out other outdoor enthusiasts. We work out hardest to provide the most accurate and helpful information on a personal level with no bias, just personal experience, and reliable sources.
Meet The Author

Zachary Smith created SmallCarCamp in order to share the information he has learned while enjoying the great outdoors. He believes that everyone should try camping. Zach knows that there are often a lot of questions about camping…and he has his fair share. Join Zach as he discovers new ways to make camping more enjoyable, as he finds the answers to all of the oddball questions we have all had about camping, and as he shares his own camping adventures.
My Story

I never grew up camping regularly and going outdoors with my family like most people who are into camping have done in their childhood. Camping and the outdoors is something I have discovered and grown to love on my own in my adulthood.
Actually, now that I really think about it, I did do some RV camping maybe two days per year in the summers when growing up, but does that really count? I would say it doesn’t because compared to now, only 2 days of camping per year would drive me crazy! In fact, now I probably spend at least 20 times as many days outside per year.
I think what really got me into camping was first a passion for maintaining and improving my health. I initially got into hiking as a way to make cardiovascular exercise fun, and through that, I discovered that I liked being outdoors, so why not sleep in it? That’s where camping comes along.
Another big factor that has contributed to me getting into camping is the costs of entry. Camping can be enjoyed by practically anyone and on any budget. It was the perfect way for me to travel more frequently for a fraction of the cost that staying in hotels would cost.
Most of my personal camping trips have been in my home state of California since the state is huge and camping opportunities and travel opportunities are abundant. I have also been camping in my neighboring state of Arizona, but plan to expand my camping adventures much further one day.
So far, the extent of my camping adventures has been done with my small car (2011 Toyota Prius) thus the name “Small Car Camp” has come to mean camping with a smaller vehicle. I have taken my car into some camping spots where it was really risky…but I’m still here to write this story.
Don’t let a small car keep you from camping…